Closing costs and what are customarily paid by both buyer and seller can vary by county. It can get a bit confusing, especially if you have sold a home previously but was in a nearby county other than where you currently reside. Here are the most common closing costs typically paid by the seller in Duval County.
Deed Stamps-Tax required on all deeds used as conveyances. This is calculated using the formula (.007 x sales price)
Owner's title insurance policy- This is issued for an amount equaled to the total price paid for the home. It helps to protect the new owner against unexpected risks.
Title search- This is paid to the title company to conduct a search for any clouds on title
Closing attorney/ Settlement Fee- A fee an attorney charges for performing the close of escrow (sale)
Real Estate Compensation- The fee the real estate company charges the seller to market and sell their home. These fees are not set and are often split with buyer's agent. This is typically a percentage based on the contract price.
Survey- used to show the boundaries of the home and any easements or encumbrances on that property. Cost can start around $250 and up depending on the size of the lot.
Record of Satisfaction of Mortgage-cost to record that the current mortgage has been paid off and satisfied.
Seller's Courier Fees- fees for having to overnight paperwork if necessary.
Accrued Interest-the interest on the seller's mortgage that is paid from the first of the month until the day of closing.
Tax pro rations-The tax bill the seller owes from January 1-the day of closing.
HOA,CDD pro rations-If you live in a neighborhood that has an HOA or CDD fee, those items are pro-rated up until the day of closing.
Home Warranty-This is optional but will commonly be asked for. This warranty covers things like appliances, hot water heater and HVAC. Approx $500+
Buyer's closing costs- the buyer may ask you to pay for a portion of their closing costs. (typical for first time home buyers)